Wonder Woman Named Most Tweeted Movie Of 2017 - WonderWoman (2017)

Wonder Woman keeps kicking butt as it now becomes the most-tweeted movie of the year!

Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman keeps breaking records, and it’s not showing signs of stopping anytime soon. The box-office juggernaut broke another record recently when it became the most-tweeted film of 2017. With more than 2.19 million tweets (and counting) associated with the film according to Twitter, it steals the thunder from previous titleholders La La Land and Beauty and the Beast, both musicals which now sit at second and third place respectively for their popularity on the platform.
Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot, Marvel & DC United, SusanShrestha99
Wonder Woman 

Wonder Woman” has shattered the glass ceiling, becoming the most successful female-directed film with a $103 million opening weekend domestically, and is set to dominate again this upcoming weekend. Internationally, the Warner Bros. and DC Comics flick slayed, bringing the total global opening to over $220 million — and counting. It’s also the third best opening of all time in Imax theaters. The blockbuster marks a major turning point for the industry’s gender politics, as the most expensive film ever from a female director with Jenkins getting a $150 million budget to produce the film.

Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot, Marvel & DC United, SusanShrestha99

Directed by Patty Jenkins and starring Gal Gadot as superhuman Diana Prince and Chris Pine as her normal-guy foil, Wonder Woman's success has been a long time coming. This is the first time the iconic DC comics character has gotten her own silver screen vehicle, 76 years after her first appearance. A number of hype factors contributed to her domination of Twitter conversation: the record-breaking box office numbers (the highest recorded for a female director); Gal Gadot's breakthrough performance; and the heated anticipation for a female-led film to compete against the male-dominated superhero landscape, which is littered with critically-panned attempts. It's also riding high with a 93% positive score on Rotten Tomatoes, too.
With positive reviews continuing to pour in, it stands a good chance at repeating it's dominant performance this weekend against newcomer The Mummy, which is only expected to bring in around $35 million.

After Watching Wonder Woman (2017)

1 comment:

  1. movie365 - Wonder Woman! Two words. HELL. YEAH. Gal Gadot, as if it wasn't clear enough with her performance in BvS, absolutely nailed it as Diana, and the rest of the cast was stellar as well. The story of how she transformed into who she is today, is PHENOMENAL. This movie's got heart, humour at just the right places (take note, Marvel) and the action. Oh boy does it rock when there are action set-pieces! Jenkins did an incredible job with it, Snyder along with the other screenwriters, gave us a story that does all the justice in the world to Wonder Woman's character and mythos. Definitely a 10/10. Take that, DC haters!
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